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Fascinating events-The world's deepest swimming pool  

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Nemo 33 is a recreational diving center in Brussels, Belgium that is home to the world's deepest swimming pool. The pool itself consists of a submerged structure with flat platforms at various depth levels. The pool has two large flat-bottomed areas at depth levels of 5m (16 ft) and 10m (32 ft), and a large circular pit descending to a depth of 33m (108 ft). It is filled with 2,500,000 litres of non-chlorinated, highly filtered spring water maintained at 30°C (86°F) and contains several simulated underwater caves at the 10m depth level.

fascinating-eventsThere are numerous underwater windows that allow outside visitors to look into the pools at various depths. The complex was designed by Belgian diving expert John Beernaerts as a multi-purpose diving instruction, recreational, and film production facility, and opened in 2004.

fascinating-eventsYou can take only a few items of your own dive kit (computer, mask, pool fins) but no BCD, fins that require booties, regulators(unless they have an integrated air linked to your computer - but no DIN fittings at all). torches, etc... You are not allowed to practice any skills unless you have an instructor in your group.


This entry was posted on 19.03 .

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